How do I get object type from a hit actor or in general?

“Get Class” node, ouputs class type (UClass object) which then you can compare

How do I get an object type from a hit actor or just in general? I want a better way to filter out when an arrow hits another arrow. It would be easiest if I could do “Arrow object equal to arrow object from Hit actor” as a branch instead of checking all arrows in the scene every time it hits something.

It would also help with pickups and inventory

If I understand your question correctly, there are two nodes that allow you to do that. You can use Equal(Object) to check for the exact object or you can use the Get Class on Hit Actor and then use Equal (class) to check if it’s arrow class.

If you mean you want to specifically check if the arrow hit belongs to X actor, you can use the Get Owner node to compare.

I just wanted to check that an arrow hit an arrow by checking that the item it first hit had the same custom object channel. What I did was just to go into the collision of the arrow, and set ignore arrows.