[Question] Custom Material Node

Is the custom material node implemented yet? The node is physically in there but when I select the code section there is no pop up and any code I put into the form doesn’t seem to do anything.

Hi Aidan,

Thank you for your report. Currently the Custom node is not producing a text editor pop-up as we are rebuilding the UI to be able to handle a better editor. Once the update to the UI is done, the developers will be able to move forward with reimplementing Custom nodes. I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused you. If there is anything else that we can assist you with, please let us know.

Thank you,


Bumping this to ask if custom node still isn’t supposed to work because if they should I have a bug and crash related to the custom node.

Custom nodes should work - it’s just that back in October you had to enter your text in a tiny box in the details panel and it had to be formatted to fit all onto one line as a result.

If you have a bug, it might be worth posting; it shouldn’t crash.

Yeah its still not implemented i tried it on beta 6 as well… looks closer to working though crashes and there still isn’t a pop out editor

Just tested it in the new build - I have used custom nodes successfully before in UE4.

[BUG] I can confirm there is a crash, and it seems to be related to the new interface. The node does not correctly update to show user created inputs, nor can the input type be specified.

As a result it will hit the assertion Assertion failed: InputPins.Num() == ExpressionInputs.Num() inside of UMaterialGraph::LinkExpressionsFromGraph() if you try to connect it to anything,

Will create a new thread with the call stack.

sounds like the crash I had; though I’ve not really worked that much with HLSL code before so I wasn’t sure

Hi Luke,

The crash you are experiencing is a known issue with input nodes. It has been resolved internally and will be fixed in a future release of the editor.

