"Unknown Error" when building .exe for windows 64bit

Hi there!

I’d like to cook my project into a win64Bit .exe-file, but it only ends with the line “PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Cook Failure” in the resulting error log.
I’ve searched the internet to no avail.
Searching the log for errors and warnings doesn’t give me a clue either.
Pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/GNMVm5qd
Can you tell me what’s wrong here?

Something I forgot to add: The Project has been worked on by three people, including myself. One of them uses a Mac and the other a Linux system while the end product should be run on a Windows system.

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

I’ve deleted the saved and intermediate folders an everything in config besides the inputs and started the project again.
While doing so I got another error log and cooking the project failed again in the end.

I’m not sure exactly how to check the fonts, since I haven’t done anything related to that yet.

Lightmaps are another topic I’ve to research.
For now I’ve deleted the only imported textures, but the result is the same as earlier.

Seems like the file /Content/SideScrollerBP/Maps/BP_Level from the SideScroller-Template was broken and caused the problem. After removing the file it compiled without issues. One of my team mates found the cause after reading this.

First, if you haven’t already, you should delete your intermediate and saved folder and try it again.
Second, I would try checking your fonts, it seems this user could fix the S_LightError.uasset error that you also got.
Third, some people say this error comes up when your lightmap resolution is 2 high, so I would also check these.

This YouTube video helped me to solve my problem with the packing. It shows how to direct your map your using, so when it packages, It knows which maps your using. Have a look at the YouTube video link and hope it helps :slight_smile:

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