Why does Trigger enter fire an event for another BoxTrigger?


I have been trying to have a Box Trigger enable collision for another box trigger. So when I enter the first Box Trigger , the second BoxTrigger would have collision enabled for whatever event. My problem is that When I Enter the first box Trigger, an animation that belongs to the second Box Trigger is played. It seems that the first Box trigger OnEnter… automatically fires the second trigger’s animation or event. Does the 'Set Collision Enabled" node in the first trigger (image attached) have a property that automatically calls Collision on the second trigger? As you can see in my BP image, I have a Trigger Box 3 attached to a SetCollisionEnable for TriggerBox4, which I think should enable collision for Box4 at this point so player can enter and trigger that event, but, the event for box 4 is played automatically on TriggerBox3 OnEnter. Can someone provide an explanation and perhaps a quick fix? I hope this makes sense and thanks for any help. BP Image Attached

It turns out that the reason why The second Box trigger was automatically playing was because ANY actor could trigger it and the box was overapping a landscape actor. What I did was cast the Second box trigger to my Third Person Character and it worked. This answer helped me figure it out. Thanks.


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