Can't subclass sphere reflection capture component error LNK2001

I subclassed through the editor menu the class “sphere reflection capture component”. The generated class looks like this

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/SphereReflectionCaptureComponent.h"
#include "CustomSphereReflectionComponent.generated.h"

class PROJECTNINJA_API UCustomSphereReflectionComponent : public USphereReflectionCaptureComponent

However, when I try to recompile my project, I get LNK 2001 errors for every function in the base class like this:

CustomSphereReflectionComponent.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: Nicht aufgel÷stes externes Symbol ""public: virtual void __cdecl UReflectionCaptureComponent::CreateRenderState_Concurrent(void)" (?CreateRenderState_Concurrent@UReflectionCaptureComponent@@UEAAXXZ)".

ProjectNinja.generated.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: Nicht aufgel÷stes externes Symbol ""public: virtual void __cdecl UReflectionCaptureComponent::CreateRenderState_Concurrent(void)" (?CreateRenderState_Concurrent@UReflectionCaptureComponent@@UEAAXXZ)".

I’m on the standalone editor version. What could I be missing?