UI Widget stange behaviour in packaged game

Since upgrading my engine from 4.15.2 to 4.16.2, whenever I package the game, the UI does something strange.

In editor or standalone, everything works perfectly.
But in the packaged game, when you start, you should be in the main menu and able to select different buttons when you press up or down on your keyboard or gamepad D-Pad.

But when you do, nothing happens, except if you hit ESC or gamepad right face button first. After that the buttons seem to work, although you will not hear the sound you get when changing buttons. (Sound works in editor)

When I go in-game I have a HUD that should be 80% hidden at the start. (Info messages should be hidden except when they give new information) But everything is visible from the start. When an info message does get updated, it dissapears after a while, like it should. Again, everything works perfectly in the editor.

Is there something wrong with UE4.16.2 UI or Input?


It seems that the variables of the UMG blueprints are not getting loaded in correctly inside the packaged game somehow. For instance, the reason why the button sound isn’t playing is because the variable for the sound cannot find the reference to the correct audio file.(=empty) If i set that variable in the Construction chain, it does find it inside the packaged game & plays it accordingly.

Doesn’t work like this:

Works like this:


I think the same thing is happening to the second problem that I’m having. The visibility variables that are not loading in correctly…

I have no clue how to solve it, only to “work around” it by setting the variables again upon construction/begin play