Advice on making a Text-Based Game with Blueprints?

Has anyone made or does anyone have any experience with making a text-based game in UE4?

I am curious what would be the best way to go about doing this?

Can this be done fairly decent with blueprints?

With the current experience I have about the only way I can think of is a bunch of booleans and print strings to cast to the player hud or something like that maybe?

I have been looking around for a tutorial or something but, I am not sure yet. This is something I would like to learn more if anyone has any advice to point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance.

That’s a fantastic idea! I think i’ll go ahead and try that out as soon as I can. Thanks for the suggestion!

i haven’t realy tried it but i think the best bet might be to use widgets. make the images on photoshop and simply upload them there, set up buttons and then a bunch of booleans in the blueprint to check wich button you selected

you’re welcome!