FTimeline SetTimelineFinishedFunc is never getting called in C++

I’m using FTimeline to interpolate a float value. Everthing is working fine except calling a function once timeline finishes. Tried multiple ways but nothing worked. Below is my code

Header file

FTimeline MyTimeLine;
void HandleMyTimeLine(float Value);
void FinishMyTimeLine();
UCurveFloat * MyCurveFloat;

CPP file: in BeginPlay

	FOnTimelineFloat MyTLFunction;
	MyTLFunction.BindUFunction(this, FName("HandleMyTimeLine"));
	MyTimeLine.AddInterpFloat(MyCurveFloat, MyTLFunction);
	// Timeline finish method
	FOnTimelineEvent MyTLFinishFunction;
	MyTLFinishFunction.BindUFunction(this, FName("FinishMyTimeLine"));

In Tick

if (MyTimeLine.IsPlaying())   // Tried by removing this condition

// Methods
void AMyCharacter::HandleMyTimeLine(float Value)
// Do something

void AMyCharacter::FinishMyTimeLine()
// Do something

With input calling


The above code works fine and HandleMyTimeLine method is getting called multiple time but Finish method is never getting called. Not sure how to get finish method called. Checked multiple posts in Answers hub, forums and in internet but nothing helped. Please help me to resolve this and thanks in Advance


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