Unreal 4.16 crash when opening a project

I mainly use the engine for movie making using the sequencer, i tried to render a sequence and it crashed (it happens pretty often) and now when i open the project it crashes and gives me the following message,



You do not have any debugging symbols required to display the callstack for this crash.

Is there any way to open the project again? or is there anyways to open an autosave files of this project?

Did you create a c++ project to go with this?

You do not have any debugging symbols required to display the callstack for this crash.

You can add your symbols on this menu. It may give you a better idea of what is going wrong.


Same exact issue here :

Since I’m already had many crashes with the 4.16 ( I’ve already posted a bug report about it ) when rendering from sequence, now after turning on " Enable Texture streaming " in Capture settings, the scene begins to render properly and crashes just after, then I reopen the scene and it crashes instantly after 93% loading It doesn’t open.

UPDATE: I’ve opened my scene successfully after removing from content a blueprint I’ve created, so maybe check your blueprint files.

Well the work around for me finally was to copy all the content file from the old project to a new project as i was opening the new project, and with that I was able to open my level ( with all the sequences ) and continue working on.

probably not the best solution but I was able to open my level now, so it is good enough for now. yay