Android Navmesh not working on loading new Level

When my player travel from Menu_Map to Level1_map the bot is unable to read navmesh and hence AI to move bot to target point isn’t working.

Case 1: UE Editor
When I run this in editor, its working fine. Here is the link of bot following Character without any problem.
Video Link:POC Twinstick Shooter Multiplayer Part 01 - YouTube

Case 2 (PROBLEM CASE): Android (Default Map: Menu_Map)
Refer to this video. When I travel from Menu_Map to Level_Map the bot don’t move at all (State of Bot-> Combat). Even in idle state, GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius node is returning false result (refer img attached).
Video Link (refer part 1 in video): Android Build Bot AI - YouTube

Case 3: Android (Default Map: Level1_map)
In this case everything is working fine. Even when I move to another level and move back to this map, everything works fine.
Video Link (refer part 2 in video): Android Build Bot AI - YouTube

I have been stuck with this bug for more than a week now and couldn’t find any solution. I have tried changing packaging setting as well in which I have included my Level_1 in "List of Maps to include in a Packaging Build " but no luck.

Here is behaviour Tree screenshot. I am just trying to execute simple command “move to”. In editor its working however fails to execute in Android Build.

Need help. Thanks.

Im still stuck with this, can someone pls help me on this. Will be a great help. Thanks.

I have solved this. Looks like it has something to do with Unreal Engine. At first it was not replicating in Editor and had a problem only when running on mobile but when I create a duplicate map and tired running it again, it stopped working in the editor as well. I then checked whether navmesh is ready or not by hitting ‘P’ button and it wasn’t showing any green area (which I believe means navmesh wasn’t ready). After few minutes the navmesh got refreshed and appeared (green area I mean) and everything started working fine (even on the mobile).

Hi ,does it still work for now? did u follow the steps in another question that delete the navmesh in sub-level and set the one in main level to dynamic?i’ve also meet the same problem now and yet have no idea on it…

yes, it did. Never tried “delete the navmesh in sub-level and set the one in main level to dynamic” as the later worked for me and never replicated again.

Many thx! Really helped a lot~! XD