Android SDK API 23 Problem

This topic suggests that the best thing to do for now is use no later than SDK API 22.

But when I do it I get this error:
Requires at least SDK API level 23, currently set to ‘android-22’
Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: ERROR: Can’t make an APK without API ‘android-23’ minimum installed (see “android.bat list targets”)

Does anyone know anything about this frustrating issue?

I always install the one from Engine to ensure compatibilty. It can be found in:


That thread you link to is from 2014, so I guess it’s just outdated by now.

As you can see in UEDeployAndroid.cs, the 4.16 and 4.17 releases only supports SDK v23 and up:
While that MinimumSDKLevel is missing in the 4.15 and older releases.

I’m having the same issue in 4.19 despite already having SDK v23 and higher installed.

Hi there,

Have you solved this problem? I still have the same issue.