PlayerViewPointRotation() undeclared identifier and GetWorld()

PlayerViewPointRotation() says undeclared identifier, probably needs a #include, but what is it?


Get World() red squiggly error says: *UWorld UActorComponent::GetWorld() const pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed. So what does it want?

Thanks much. but it did not work. Will read your articles later. Thanks much again.

Thanks much, guess I just needed some fresh eyeballs. Yeah I managed to do that in line 35 and line 36. Thanks much again. case closed.

Oh gosh, looks like I was sleeping. In
line 35 you named your rotator
“PlayViewPointRotation” instead of
“PlayerViewPointRotation”, guess it’s
just a typo then. You can also remove
the include statement with the
PlayerController, that was my fault!
Sorry! <3


Jahn.Justin 1 min ago

Thanks much, guess I just needed some
fresh eyeballs. Yeah I managed to do
that in line 35 and line 36. Thanks
much again. case closed.

For the GetPlayerViewPoint you need to include:


About the red lines I wrote an article about the IWYU changes. In this article I also show 3 method where you can find the includes for the future. If there is still something not understandable, please report back and I’ll try to explain! <3

Oh gosh, looks like I was sleeping. In line 35 you named your rotator “PlayViewPointRotation” instead of “PlayerViewPointRotation”, guess it’s just a typo then. You can also remove the include statement with the PlayerController, that was my fault! Sorry! <3