UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere) variable when changed in the editor dont reflect in the game

So I have created Zoom ability to my pawn and I would like to be able to change the Maximum and Minumum zoom in the editor
So I created this in the .h file:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Ball)
float MinZoom;

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Ball)
float MaxZoom;

declared them in the constructor
and made created a method for zooming ability in .cpp:

void AMyPawn::Zoom(float Axis)
	float ArmLengthfactor = -Axis * 20.f;
	CameraSpring->TargetArmLength = FMath::Clamp(CameraSpring->TargetArmLength + ArmLengthfactor, MinZoom, MaxZoom);

which worked!
but I decided to tweak the values in the editor to get a more feasible value, but for some reason when I changed the value in editor nothing changed in zooming.
So I went in the code changed it manually and then it worked.

Why is it that when I change the value in the editor doesnt work but when I change the value in code it works?

Remember that Im spawning the Blueprint drived from the c++ class. I have tried it both ways.