Custom event seems to stop once it gets to a for each loop node

Hi there. I’m trying to make a server browser that uses advanced sessions. I have it so it finds sessions, then for each loop, it creates a server item widget that then gets added as a child to the server list scroll box. It seems to be stopping whenever it gets to the for each loop node though. I put print strings before and after the for each loop node, and they only get called when they are before the for each loop node, not after. Any idea why this might be happening? Here’s a pic of it:

Can you show the code of the foreach node?

Yes. Here it is:

hm… looks fine to me

Thats because you can succesfully find 0 Sessions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: On Fail means there was a Error trying to get them at all. You can check the Length of Results to confirm.