Is there a way to enable mouse button events in mobile preview?

I’m currently trying to do something like this: How Disc Jam Reached 60 fps on Intel Processor Graphics using Unreal Engine 4 - Unreal Engine for my game so I can run in on computers with only integrated graphics. Essentially it involves using the mobile graphics pipeline instead of the default one to increase the framerate. This works fine, but my problem is that my mouse button events do not fire when using mobile preview. Mouse tracking and scrolling is working fine, but none of the buttons are.

Now my question: How can I use mouse buttons in mobile preview?

I’ve tried turning off “Use Mouse for Touch” in my project settings and making sure “Enable Click Events” is turned on in my player controller.

I’ve attempted turning on “Use Mouse for Touch” and “Enable Touch Events” and mapping the touch events back to the mouse events. The problem with this method is it seems every mouse button calls the Touch 1 event. I could make this work if I could get the different mouse buttons to map to different touch events.

If any more information is required please don’t hesitate to ask. Any more ideas or solutions would be appreciated.

I’m still looking for an answer to this. As an alternative, I would also be interested in getting my computer to use integrated graphics when running the game and have the game use the mobile pipeline.