how does one fix heavy edge seams on meshes?

Hello I have an issue with several of my meshes, very visible polygon ends. Now, I am unsure if this is simply due to a very low polygon count, or if it can be fixed with messing with light settings. I have spent about an hour in post process, and the skysphereBP messing with settings trying to make the hard seam less visible. If anyone know of any way to remove this issue with little addition to the polygon count, a response would be greatly appreciated.

Oh my god thanks I forgot about smoothing entirely, thank you.

Thank you. A neglected smoothing, lol

What smoothing groups are you using? Under 3ds max I would say this is flat shading. First I’d be checking the material and make sure its not a flat shader model. Second I’d check to make sure the smoothing groups are being exported from the DCC tool you’re using.

Lookup Smoothing Groups and Normal Maps. And yes you can certainly increase it by a few Polys that would not hurt (Higher Polycount these days is not that expensive to render as in the Past)