How do I get the Transform 3D Widget to reflect world coordinates instead of local coordinates relative to the mesh?

I have a blueprint that has two variables of type Transform named startTransform and endTransform. They represent where an object should start and end in an interpolation to the actor’s transform. I turned on the 3D widget for the variables so that I can control the start and end transforms using the editor. In the image I am attaching you can see that the startTransform and endTransform variables are set to coordinates very close to the selected object, but in the editor they appear to be offset in local space by those coordinates instead of using world coordinates.

Is there a way to have these displayed using world coordinates or will I need to add logic to my blueprint that calculates the offset instead?

try clicking on the labels ‘Rotation’, ‘Scale’, ‘TRanslation’ … on the right most panel. See if they toggle to Absoulute Values (ie in world coordinates)? This used to work in Compoents screen in blueprints. I must admit I did not try it in Level editpr. Just see if it makes any difference

Thanks for the response. These transforms do not have the drop down that the actor transform does, and so they are unable to swap between world and relative coordinates as the actor transform does. The triangle dropdown that allows me to do that for the actor transform is not included, as shown in the screenshot above.

Hello Jeremy McKeown,

If you would like to find the world location of the component of an actor in your level you will need to get a reference to the component and then pull of that and get world location. I have provided an example below. I hope this information helps.


Make it a great day

It’s been awhile since I looked at this - so it may have been resolved since I last checked. While I appreciate the response, but it seems you may misunderstand my question. I was not looking to get the location for scripting - I’m already doing that. I was intending on being able to use the 3D widget in the editor to choose what location is stored in a variable. At the time of the original question, the 3D widget location would only position itself relative to the mesh and could not be set to match a specific world location that was typed into the variables in the editor. That may not be true any longer.

I see, when you said 3D widget I thought you meant a 3D widget component that is used in combination with UMG. However, if you are talking about a vector variable that has been set to “Show 3D Widget” I have provided an example of a way to get the world location below.


In this example I am setting an actors position to the world location of the vector variable that has been set to show 3D widget. This is done in the construction script so that this can be done in the editor.

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You should include the actor rotation, the widget follows actor rotation. (UE4.22.1)

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