How to blend transition between levels?

Is it possible to blend the transition between levels as one loads and then the other unloads? Fade one in and fade the other out at the same time?


Edit- as far as I can work out, the only way to do this would be to make dynamic material instances for the materials on all the objects, then change the opacity of the objects in one level, on tick. Unload the level once its transparent. Anyone know if that would be too expensive to be a good solution?

Hi robbie,

I would recommend creating a fading material using an alpha and then apply it to the HUD at level transition.

Another way would be to change the post-process effects at the level transition but that can be overly difficult and quite taxing. The node for this would be Make PostProcessSettings.

I hope that gives you some ideas.

Thanks, TJ

Brilliant, thanks TJ, I’ll play with both to see what leads to interesting effects!