HTML5 Packaging Error in optimizer


I’m trying to package my project for HTML5 and I’m observing some errors. It has packaged before and still does for other platforms. I have attached the log here

It appears to be related to multithreading but I don’t have anything that actually makes use of multithreading so its difficult to diagnose.

It looks like unfortunately the real error has somehow not gotten printed to the output. One way to try to uncover the error message is to set the environment variable “EMCC_CORES=1” to Windows system environment variables, e.g. with Help (restart UE4 or reboot afterwards to make it persist). That should remove the error coming from “multiprocessing\” and hopefully show the root cause error.

Here is an updated log, it appears to be due to compiling a shader for the UE mannequin which is really odd because it wasn’t a problem before.