4.16 Orthographic view not working

For a reason I don’t understand, my orthographic view doesn’t work anymore.
It doesn’t recognize any objects of the level : the orthographic viewports are complete black/grey.

It is very annoying as I can only work with the perspective viewport.
Maybe it’s an easy one to solve, but I didn’t find any clue on the answerhub.


Are you check ortho far and near clip plane values

I am currently having this problem using UE4 2.26.

When I press F on keyboard to Focus nothing happens and my Output Log states:

Can’t find target actor or component.”

Any help would be much appreciated…

I had the same problem. If you look at the distance unit on the orthographic views, you’ll see that it’s in km, which means you’re zoomed out way too far to be able to see anything. Double click on an item on the outliner and you should be able to zoom back into an appropriate distance.


Thank you. fixed my view ports. This was bugging me for a while.