Variables dont change their value

Hello everyone, I have a problem with my Blueprint.

I’m getting a variable from a blueprint (which in case its value is 1 in this example) then passing to an internal variable from that other blueprint that is called IndexDTItem and after that I’m applying the value of IndexDTItem in the TorsoEquip variable in the blueprint of my ThirdPersonCharacter however The variable TorsoEquipe is not changing, I used print string to confirm my doubt.

The value of DTIndex (in the first blueprint) equals 1 and is being correctly passed to the varivable IndexDTItem (which is also receiving and saving 1 correctly) but when I apply the value in TorsoEquipe and read its value, it did not change and Remains with the Default value of 0.

What is wrong?

Inside the red square are the results of the Print String

Make sure the variable you’re trying to modify is not Private or Blueprint Read Only.

If neither of those are set, I suggest you post this in Bug Reports.

They are not Private or Read Only Blueprint. I really dont know what is happening

Looks like a bug. I suggest duplicating the actor, and remove peripheral things to isolate the problem code. See if anything else is a factor, then report it with repeatable conditions.