Stealth Game Detection

I know there is probably a really easy way to do this but I can’t figure it out for the life of me. I need a system that I put on the enemy’s BP where they detect the player if they walk into their FOV. The hard part of this is that: a) they have to see as far as they can(to the farthest wall) and b) they cannot see behind objects. So pretty much a box collider that grows and shrinks and fills all the little gaps in the room. I tried with just a box collider that is massive and set up an overlap for the player where they die if they enter but, the box goes through objects like cover. This is either really easy and i’m stupid or this is really hard and too much to ask for.

after the collision primitive overlaps the player, pick a random bone on the player, line trace to its location, and compare the hit actor to the overlapped actor. if they are the same, the player has been detected. keep line tracing to a random bone every tick, until the player stops overlapping the collision.