Visual Studio 2017 retargeting message

I’m fairly new to Unreal Engine and have a quick question about an error I’m receiving with Visual Studio 2017 when creating a new C++ project.

Installed software:
UE 4.16.2,
Visual Studio 2015 Community,
Visual Studio 2017 Community with Microsoft SDK 8.1 installed,
CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1

I followed the steps in “Setting Up Visual Studio for UE4” from: Setting Up Visual Studio for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine Documentation

What I have done:

  • Created a new C++ Project.
  • Basic Code
  • Desktop/Console
  • Maximum Quality
  • With Starter Content

Once Visual Studio 2017 launches I get the following dialog box:


I changed the Retargeting to the following and clicked ‘OK’


Then I receive this message in the output in Visual Studio 2017.


Is this ‘normal’ or do I have something configured wrong.

Any combination of SDK version and Platform Toolkit makes no difference

Thanks for the help.

Solved. I uninstalled vs 2013 and its working without error