

I pre-ordered Fortnite today, downloaded trough the launcher, but every time I try to launch it, this error message appears. Updated UE engine to 4.16.2 but still the same. Any suggestion what would be the next step?

Adding additional logs from the launcher link text

I have the same problem… I hope anybody can helping us! :slight_smile:


Thank you for reporting this issue, although Answerhub is for issues related to Unreal Engine 4 in particular. For support with Fortnite and for reporting these types of issues, please go to http://fortnitehelp.epicgames.com/

As for reporting crashes in particular, simply filling out the crash reporter window that comes up with your specifications and what happened prior to the crash would be best. All of those crash reports do go into our database and are checked.

For submitting support tickets on your own, the “Email Us” button on the right side of the page is the best option.

And what was the Solution? :9

You’ll need to visit the link I provided to receive support for Fortnite

Dude there is no answer for my problem on this link. Sure i already wrote a message to the support team. (But didnt get an answer yet) I read a lot of people with the same problem month ago and that Epic Games didnt helped them or answered them. I did install Fortnite and when iI run it there is always randomly in every or every 2. 3. game an “Unreal Engine 4 Crash Reporter” and Fortnite is down. I have no problems with other games and updated directx and whatever I read to fix the problem is right on my pc! 8GB Ram intel i7 windows 10 and so on. I also did read someone post that you have to bring the effect ingame on low and all other settings can stil be high… well it worked a bit now its not every game a crash only every 4 game… since yesterday I instal epic games my pc crashed 3 times and the reason is epic games I saw like same youtube videos… So pls help me with this “unreal engine 4 crash reporter” when I just wanna play some rounds fortnite cause this game is realy cool and I dont wanna miss it…

The staff that assists users on Answerhub is an entirely separate team from the staff that assists users with Fortnite issues or issues with any of our other titles. Although you have not received a response from support as of yet, that is the best way to have any issue with Fortnite resolved as we are not able to provide any sort of support for it here.

I have normal Pc tower lul and when this problem is fixed then it isnt the problem i guess

The sulotion is when you have two VGA Cards(Laptops) one is the Motherboard card and one is the other,then you need the Motherboard cad disabled and this Error is fixed,but i think the dev Team has solved this problem…Because by me work the game fine and i need not disabled the Motherboard card. Its fixed witrh a patch this Error.

Then first prob this: How I Fixed my Fortnite Crashing | 2019 - YouTube your dx update maybe help this, but not 100%

Two prob this fix:


Doesnt work tried the youtube link 2 days ago and the reddit post was new for me but doesnt work either…