Movement Jitter on Client Side


As far as I know, Character Movement component has replication already build in and it should work perfectly. So I have a question. Why character jitters so much on client side but it looks perfectly fine on server side?

Here is a movie that demonstrates what I’m talking about. On the left client, on the right server

Having a similar problem. Love the responses :confused:
Did you make any headway?

It was so long ago that I’m not sure… I think that I experimented with re rooting skeletal mesh in base blueprint

There is a few things that you might want to check.

First, you should check the network profiling to see if you could see any clue of what is happening. (Network Profiler | Unreal Engine Documentation)

You may also take a look on the network update frequency and priority.

If it don’t help, please, post the results of the profiling and the priorities configuration, so we can have more information about your situation.


btw, I have made some tests, and I could see that effect happening when marking the mesh as component replication, could you check that?

This was the issue I had. I had previously checked it in hopes of finding an easier way to replicate animations.

Same issue here. What was the fix?

ever figure it out? Dealing with this but literally only on my dedicated server.

Figured this out, turns out that your character already replicates, so if any of your character’s components are set to replicate this will cause this weird stutter issue.

So just go into each component in your character, like the character movement, or camera, springarm, etc. and check of the “Component Replicates” in the details panel. This fixed the issue for me.

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Thank you. You saved me!