Blueprint Endless Runner FloorTile weird scaling problem

I’m a beginner to UE4 and started to follow along the Blueprint Endless Runner tutorial. I am on the second video, where the author just finishes blueprint for the addFloorTile. I am getting a weird rendering/scaling issue after my first tile gets placed. All the subsequent tiles get scaled oddly. Here are some pictures to help. I have read the entire endless runner forum and found no answers to my problem. Any help would be appreciated.

I figured out what the problem was after spending 3 hours on watching the video over again and trying to debug blueprints.

It turned out that my AttachPoint’s scale was not set to 1 by 1 by 1. But instead 10 by 0.1 by 2. Human error.

Hope this helps any newcomer.

It helps me a bit, but my problem was slightly different: if I try to increase the length of a tile, there are either enormous gaps between the tiles or they overlap lengthwise and cause visual errors.

I’m wondering if I just need to change the scale of my attach points as you have.