Best Linux Distro. working with UE4 16

I’m in the process of a new computer build specifically for UE4. I’m burned out on Windows. I need recommendations for the most efficient Linux Distro to solve my problems. At this time I am not an experienced coder.
Thanks to all for guidance,

For UE4 I strongly recommend sticking with the most recent Ubuntu LTS (which at the moment of writing is 16.04).

I would recommend Ubuntu if you really want a Linux distro, but you’ll have to recompile the whole engine every update, which takes over 5 times the space as a launcher build. It’s also not very stable, the Linux support is mostly just for shipping your game.

I would recommend Ubuntu if you really want a Linux distro, but you’ll have to recompile the whole engine every update, which takes over 5 times the space as a launcher build. It’s also not very stable, the Linux support is mostly just for shipping your game.