4.17 LPV Sky Occlusion / Emissive Bug

Sky/directional occlusion through
light propagation volumes appears to
be missing in the 4.17 previews.


(Scenes opened in both 4.16.2 and 4.17 preview 3. Both versions have r.LightPropagationVolume = 1 set in their consoleVariables.ini.

  • Created a new blank project with starter content and loaded StarterContent/Maps/StarterMap
  • Prepared map for dynamic lighting
  • Enabled Force No Precomputed Lighting and built level to clear lightmaps
  • Set levels Skylight and Directional Light to Movable
  • Enabled Dynamic Indirect Lighting on the Directional Light
  • Set Directional Lights intensity very low (.01) so the majority of the level would be lit by the Skylight, while not disabling LPV (LPV get disabled if Directional Lights intensity is set to .004 or below)
  • In the levels Post Process Volume under Light Propagation Volume, set Occlusion Intensity to 1


Emissive materials no longer injects
into LPV

(Scenes opened in both 4.16.2 and 4.17 preview 3. Both versions have r.LightPropagationVolume = 1 set in their consoleVariables.ini.


  • Same scene as previous reproduction
  • Created new material, set shading model to unlit
  • Connected constant node with value of 300 to Emissive Color
  • Toggled Emissive (Dynamic Area Light) on the material
  • Applied to sphere in scene with Affect Dynamic Indirect Lighting toggled.


Updated original post/ticket with findings related to emissive materials not affecting lpv either.

+1 i was scratching my head with what i was doing wrong.

Forgot to mention that I found a solution! Disabling d-buffer decals (project settings → rendering settings → untick DBuffer Decals and restart editor) seems to fix this and bring back lpv sky occlusion and emission.

Not sure what the correlation is between these two features, however if you’re depending on LPV then most likely you’re using a completely dynamic lighting setup so decals will work just fine without the dbuffer.

Thank you for posting your solution!
As weird as it seems, disabling d-buffer decals worked for me as well.

Works!!! thanks a lot man!!! im using 4.20