Savegame broken after Fatal Error in Shipped Game

Hey guys, i made a shipped game package for testing purposes. Today i had my first Fatal Error while playing. I cannot say why this error occured. There was just a Fatal Error message without any Error Code. However, in my Savegame i save the Playername which one can set up in the options menu. This will be used for the Highscoreboard.
Now heres the Problem, at the next launch after the Fatal Error the correct Player Name is still in the options menu. But it would not be used for the HighScoreboard in the actual game play. It resets back to Player_1 what i set up as default if no saved Player Name exists.
But, if i use the Win64-Shipping.exe under Binaries\Win64 the game uses the correct PlayerName from the SaveGame in both the Options and the actual gameplay.
So wheres the right spot to look into the game and fix that error. Does anyone had a similar experience or any tips what i can do now?