Lighting looks wrong when using stationary light, looks good with static light.

Hi everyone,

I’m getting some strange looking lighting.

Using stationary mobility:

Using static mobility:

Look like it’s cutting of the edge when I’m using the stationary light. Is this normal?

I’m ok with the jagged edges caused by the low lightmap resolution. It’s the way it smooths the transition from light to shadow that I don’t like, maybe it’s a bit hard to see in my screenshots. Here’s another one:

I’m using production quality when building, doesn’t make any difference from the lower ones.
Here’s a new build using 0.1 lighting scale and indirect quality set to 4:

Overall I think the reason you’re seeing a jagged edge is due to your lightmap resolution on that particular mesh being too low, but now you’re seeing the difference between static and dynamic shadows. Stationary is a mix of static and dynamic shadows, and if you set that light to movable, you will get a fully dynamic shadow.

To improve the dynamic shadow, I recommend increasing the Dynamic Shadow Distance value, but with everything it’s a balancing act. Dynamic shadows are going to tax the GPU at runtime, while static shadows will be baked to the mesh.

Here’s some documentation on different types of shadows

Hmm. I have to admit, I’ve never really noticed that. How does your lighting build quality affect the comparisons? Also, does reducing the static lighting scale, and increasing the indirect lighting quality within your lightmass settings change anything?