How to make a child widget independent?

Hi everyone,

I’m developing an application for achitectural visualization on the Unreal Engine 4, and I have made an stackable menu where the user can click on the objects to see the data of each one of them.

When the user clicks on the objects, a widget is created on screen and for each click I want the app to create a different panel per object.
Now my problem is, that when I click on one object the widget shows one panel with the correct info, but when I click on a different object, the second info pops up with a new panel as I wish, but the text is changed on both panels and not just in the second one as I would like.

Here you have screenshots of the situation:

One Object clicked with correct information

Three objects clicked (for example) with the text changed on all of them, wich is wrong, I want to change just the new one, in order to get all of them with the correct info displayed on screen.

Here you have the function for the widget text, because I suppose this problem comes from there. I think that maybe the problem comes from the blueprint, that everytime the user clicks on object, the function changes the text from all the texts.

Please I really need help for this. Anything would so much appreciated!

Okay, I have investigated and I found the solution.
Instead of setting the text inside the function, I put all the GetText function set up inside the event graph and on the Event Construct, then set the Object variable from the GetTextFunction and it’s done!