CharacterMovementComponent giving incorrect velocity when running into walls


I have a character with a character movement component. My problem is that when the character runs into a wall, it’s velocity vector isn’t correct - it should be zero, but it stays as if the character was running normally. This happens when using either get velocity from the actor, or from the movement component.

Thanks for any help

Hi ,

Can you check this post and let me know if it does not help ?



I have no idea if this will help anyone that might come along with this exact same issue, but:

This started happening for me after I unchecked “Maintain Horizontal Ground Velocity” for my CharacterMovement Component, under the Walking category.

After rechecking it, collision with walls set my velocity to 0, again.

Very niche, but I hope this helps.

crazy… but it worked. we had the same issue, thanks

wow this was driving us nuts… Even worse, its was checked by default and we had to uncheck it and recheck it to make it start working… thanks for sharing the solution, this should be the accepted answer