Using mouse movement to set rotation on an actor

Working on an Angry Birds kinda of game, but instead of a sling shot, I have a cannon that you aim, and press a button to charge the power.
What I’m wanting to do is take the touch location, and use that to set the rotation of the cannon, and I have everything set up, except I’m a little confused on what kind of math equation I should do do convert the Z mouse movement into Y rotation on my cannon, and I’m also not sure if I should be using SetWorldRotation or AddWorldRotation. My Blueprint is set up pretty much exactly how I want it, other than trying to figure out the math equation to get mouse/touch movement to equal numbers between the values that I want. Inbetween the break vector and clamp is where I’m having issues.

Figured it out, mouse/touch Z axis was returning values between -525 and -250, I needed -525 to = 0 and -250 to = 40, so I did add float of 525, and then a divide float by 5, going into my clamp, which gives me values close enough to work with.