Multiplayer Death & Respawn - Collision Component is pending kill

I have this multiplayer respawning implementation (under multicasting) which is working perfectly fine:

except I’m getting this Runtime Error:

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access CollisionComponent via property K2Node_Event_OtherComp, but CollisionComponent is pending kill from function: 'ExecuteUbergraph_BulletProjectile' from node: Branch in graph: EventGraph in object: BulletProjectile with description: Attempted to access CollisionComponent via property K2Node_Event_OtherComp, but CollisionComponent is pending kill

and after the respawn, the respawned character is lagging (facing with serious FPS drop or temporarily freezing) probably because of this CollisionComponent is pending kill error. Obviously there is something wrong with my respawning logic but which part? How can I fix this issue?