"Error: Script Msg: A null object was passed as a world context object to UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject()" after compiling AIController blueprint with AIPerception component


  1. Create new blueprint project.
  2. Create AIController blueprint.
  3. In AIController blueprint add AIPerception component.
  4. Compile AIController blueprint.


LogScriptCore: Error: Script Msg: A
null object was passed as a world
context object to
LogScriptCore: Error: Script call
[Empty] (FFrame::GetScriptCallstack() called
from native code)

Reproducibility: 100% in my environment (4.17)

No repro on 4.16.3 version

I get two of these am i special ?

Thank you for response!
I see that this issue is labeled as target fix for 4.18. Is there any chance to get it in any 4.17.x version considering that affected version is 4.17?

I’m running into this error after updating the project to 4.17 today. Not sure what it affects yet but it pops up in the dedicated servers console.

Hello Smulack,

After doing some digging I was able to find that this is a known issue. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-47948)

Make it a great day

A lot of people including myself are getting this world context issue since 4.17. It was definitely not in 4.16 and is very unpredictable. Sometimes some functions work other times they don’t. You can also check out this post.

I get six of em when i’m cooking for a package in 4.17. The process completes successfully but the package doesn’t work

I’m receiving a similar error when using the Localization Dashboard. I started to translate my Game on Engine Version 4.15 and moved on to 4.17 today. I literally did nothing else then chaning the version, opening the editor and rerunning the gather word function in the localization dashboard. Now the Word Gather process fails with that error. See log attached. Do you have any solutions for this as the translation is a bit time critical.
