Player gets less jump height when moving towards a wall. How to fix?

I set up a blueprint to record the maximum jump height that has been reached. And it seems that the player loses upward momentum when moving into a wall. In other words you can’t jump as high next to a wall.

Here is the blueprint for recording jump height: (Pressing “R” resets it so I can record again.)

(Other than that, no other code has been added. This is just the Third Person Template.)

I removed all damping, friction, etc, from both the character and the wall, as well as the physics material they use. So what’s causing the issue? Am I missing a simple setting somewhere, or can this just not be fixed easily?

Actually, never mind a fix, right now I mainly just want to know why this even happens. Where in the game’s code does it say that scraping walls should reduce upward velocity? I don’t mean to complain. But does anybody know? :3 How else could I find out?

I still can’t figure this out. Jumping into walls is something common in many games. I don’t want it to be broken in my game.