HTML5 Build - Not displaying textures

Hi guys! I managed to succesfully build my app into a HTML5 project, problem is no texture is displayed, I tried to go from 2048 to 128 but even so, they won’t go. Lighting is built and this is how it shows:

Another thing, when I want to upload to my server, I should upload all of these files, right?

Is there a way to reduce the size of the project?

You can enable compression on the server and serve them as gzip’d files - that will take care most of the size issue - also look for bCompileforSize in UBT - that will not include some of the features cutting down size even more.

Regarding black textures - you should first start debugging using the win32 version for html5 ( UEBuildHTML5.cs, make GetActiveArchitecture return “-win32” ). and then build debug/html5 config. This “html5” simulator essentially builds the html5 code path under windows ( with some differences ) and allows for regular debugging.

Thxs for the response Ankitkk, but I think my UEBuildHTML5.cs already does that, here’s the code I have on C++

namespace UnrealBuildTool
	class HTML5Platform : UEBuildPlatform
		public static string HTML5Architecture = "";

		// The current architecture - affects everything about how UBT operates on HTML5
		public override string GetActiveArchitecture()
			// by default, use an empty architecture (which is really just a modifier to the platform for some paths/names)
			return HTML5Architecture;

		// F5 should always try to run the Win32 version
		public override string ModifyNMakeOutput(string ExeName)
			// nmake Run should always run the win32 version
			return Path.ChangeExtension(ExeName+GetActiveArchitecture(), ".exe");

		 *	Whether the required external SDKs are installed for this platform
		public override SDKStatus HasRequiredSDKsInstalled()
			string BaseSDKPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EMSCRIPTEN");
			return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseSDKPath) == false) ? SDKStatus.Valid : SDKStatus.Invalid;

        public override bool CanUseXGE()
            return (GetActiveArchitecture() == "-win32" );

Yet, I can’t seem to find the bCompileforSize in UBT.

change -

 public override string GetActiveArchitecture()
         // by default, use an empty architecture (which is really just a modifier to the platform for some paths/names)
         return HTML5Architecture;


public override string GetActiveArchitecture()
         // by default, use an empty architecture (which is really just a modifier to the platform for some paths/names)
         return "-win32";

Well, textures still black on my models. The floor and character did work tho’

Are you using fp16 textures? Try the latest 64 bit firefox nighty. Messages in the browser console might help.

Wait, I’m using DXT. How do I use fp16 filtering?

So, is there a turn around for this?

Some textures now do show up, but mostly doesn’t. If I turn off the lightmass by forcing it, the whole game is lacking of textures. Any input? Also, the music won’t just play, but other sounds such as jumping and walking does. Also, all the textures have the same dimensions.