Packaging error (conflicting redirectors)

Did you try migrate just the map you need in a new project ? It will migrate all used assets in the map too.

Hi all,
I work on a migrated project from 4.15 to 4.16.
I’m actually trying to export my game into HTML (from 4.16), but I got an “Error Unknown Cook Failure”.
In the log, there are 5 errors saying :

UATHelper: Packaging (HTML5): Cook: LogInit:Display: LogLinker:Error: AddRedirectList(D:/UnrealEngineProjects/ProjectHTML/Saved/Config/Windows/PhysXVehicles.ini) found conflicting redirectors for VehicleSim! Old: VehicleMovementComponent, New: /Script/PhysXVehicles.WheeledVehicleMovementComponent

And that for 5 different lines.
I found in another post that deleting the lines in the file could correct the issue, however when I open the file (PhysXVehicles.ini), it is empty.
Is there a way to correct this ?
Thanks a lot !

Well I finally made a whole new blank project and migrated the files I needed, the error has disappeared.

I’m having the same problem, but in a project that can’t simply be transferred to a new blank one, and I guess also that I am not the only one with this problem :frowning:

Please, can you mark the question as unresolved?


I cannot. The project I am working on is under source control.

Btw, The project is not using any physx asset afaik.

Oh, and thanks for marking the question as unresolved :slight_smile:

In my case, as the project was not using PhysX vehicles code, disabling the plugin in the editor solved the cooking problem :slight_smile:

If it’s pretty easy to reproduce, I’ll open a bug report for the poor guys who will come here as they need to update to 4.16 and cook their content but cannot disable the plugin as they are using it.