Intellisense not working with STL

I have an issue with using STL features with my UE4 project.

Intellisense is showing an error with its red line and isn’t understanding what I’m attempting to write.

I use VS 2017 and have also downloaded the Unreal development settings.

I’ve tested the STL features with a blank project using the same IDE and it works fine there with no intellisense issues.

I assume that I’m missing some kind of special setting to do with Unreal Engine but I have no idea what it is and can’t seem to find anything in their documentation.


#include <vector>

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Interactable.h"
#include "Hand.generated.h"

class Card;

class SKYLINE_API AHand : public AInteractable


    void PlayCard();
    void DiscardCard();


    std::vector<Card*> m_vpCards;


Is there a reason you want to use STL with UE4?
UE4 has their own containers and other features provided by STL.
TArray is UE4s std::vector.

I didn’t realise that UE had it’s own form of containers. This has worked a treat. Thanks very much!