Screen size for oculus?

I have a project what runs on oculus or PC screen.
Widgets for screen are ok, but when I use oculus, this widgets are so big and go out of place. Do you know if there is a way to keep the proportion of widgets in oculus or PC screen? Do I have to make new widgets for oculus, if yes what are the size screen for oculus?

This is the UI widget gestor for PC screen. It seems oculus use something like 1/4 of this screen

Hello GenXu,

For VR you should use 3D Widget The details are on the link below.

Thanks for answer, this works for some part of what I’m doing, but found a tutorial that is for what I’m looking.

I found this tutorial about a component: Stereo layer
Is not what I was looking for, but it also works very well and solve what I was trying to do

This is my blueprint for Stereo Layer


I parent Widget and Stereo Layer to the camera for a UI interface


Configuration for Stereo Layer

New Widget for Stereo Layer