Need help with Material setup

Hey guys, I’ve came a cross some serious trouble in my editor, which I can’t seem to solve somehow. So here is the problem I have set up my base landscape material based on Ratsgame Landscape Material Tutorial and it works wonders I am very happy with that it’s very customizable I love that. Now. I did also need one more material on my forest space to work with and didn’t want it to be some cheap lookin texture so I used two textures lerpin with noise texture alpha and used it as painting layer on may basic dynamic texture and here is the catch. It doesn’t work thanx to some kind of limitations of the engine supporting only as much data when it comes to textures and their usage. I will also put some pictures below so u can see how I did that. Now. Is it possible somehow to override this problem so I can use my combined texture in the end. And last thing what I was trying to do in the first place was to have painting texture which would not tile in any way. I was thinking maybe to change texture rotation based on world possition or some random numbers but I can’t figure out how to do it. Thx in advance.

First Image is combination of Ratsgame Landscape Mat and my F_Paint_layer
Second is my Painting Function itself and those two blending materials in it.