Best Method to Make a 3D Widget Appear During Gameplay in VR Q


I am trying to show a reload prompt when i run out of ammo in a VR game i am making. I have an ammo HUD working. I have a widget component inside an actor that i have placed in my player pawn parented to my camera (3D widget). This way i always see how much ammo i have with the HMD on. Works great, but now i am hung on the best way to make a reload message appear when my ammo is less than 1. Should i spawn the actor or should i try and hide / unhide the reload message actor? If i spawn it, what is the best thing to use for the transform to spawn, I placed a dummy child actor in front of my camera to get a location I could mark. Here is what my blueprint for spawning looks like:

Any help getting me closer to the right way to do this is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Found the answer. Best way (for me) is to keep it hidden so its stays attached to the HMD without any extra logic. The 3d widget is parented to my HMD camera. Spawning it in the world caused me to have extra logic to attach it to the HMD.