How to handle property updates in code?

I have a custom Actor class, and a couple of derived blueprints with specific defaults.
I am initializing Components with these new defaults inside overridden OnConstruction, and it works. However, I would also like to change blueprint properties in real time and see the effect immediately, how can I achieve this?.

I would like to know as well. Is there a callback in the component for when a property has been changed in the editor? Thanks!

After some forum searching, I have found some functions which handle object property updates: PostEditChangeProperty for regular UProperties and PostEditChangeChainProperty for TArrays.
They are invoked as follows:

//for regular properties:
void ACustomClass::PostEditChangeProperty(struct FPropertyChangedEvent& e)
	FName PropertyName = (e.Property != NULL) ? e.Property->GetFName() : NAME_None;
	if (PropertyName == GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UCustomClass, PropertyName))
        //various uproperty tricks, see link

//for TArrays:
void ACustomClass::PostEditChangeChainProperty(struct FPropertyChangedChainEvent& e)
    int32 index = e.GetArrayIndex(TEXT("Meshes")); //checks skipped
    UStaticMesh *mesh = Meshes[index]; //changed mesh

Retrieved from these links:

On UProperty manipulation: Access Blueprint vars from c++ q1, Access Blueprint vars from c++ q2

Unfortunately, I have yet to figure out how to trace component property changes. There is, however, a rather obscure delegate (FCoreDelegates::OnObjectPropertyChanged), which might be configured to call your function on component property updates. For me, it does not work. Maybe it would be easier just to use a custom component class with overridden PostEditChangeProperty.


This is awesome, thank you so much.

Dude, thanks! this is super useful information!

Yes it does only work in editor and need to have #if WITH_EDITOR in both H and CPP files

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Doesn’t it work only inside of Editor?..

I will add that it must be #if and not #ifdef because WITH_EDITOR is always declared.
Also #endif should be put at the end, in case somebody doesn’t know.
Here’s an example, probably one of the very few you will find nowadays in the docs: AActor::PostEditChangeProperty | Unreal Engine Documentation

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Declare them in the header like this:
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent) override;