Cant get UMG tutorial item text to show in viewport

Ok so I did the tutorial and everything worked perfectly fine cool. Next I started a new blank project no starter content took and migrated the first person character from a new first person project as well as the third person character from a new third person project over to my blank one. I then combine them then aliened the camera and attached it to the third person characters head. I then opened the UMG project and started pulling out the BP’s I wanted and only the nodes I wanted I took the Pickup Text and the Inventory Struct. The Pickup Template actor I made a new one in the empty level project and started putting in the nodes I wanted the only thing in here is the setting of the variables, everything that was in the construction script and the part that adds the text widget to viewport when the character stands in the trigger volume. So none of the pickup, drop, inventory itself, or use functionality has been brought over yet as none of that has to do with the text widget I figured it wouldn’t effect it. Well its not working in the pickup template I put in the node “is in viewport” to get rid of the warning then I did a brake point to check what was being passed in and everything seams to be getting set and done properly but still no text appears over the object.

I’m guessing since this is a blank project I maybe have to enable something or I missed something idk. After going back through the UMG tutorial and a bunch of head desks along with google searches coming up with nothing I figured I would ask and see if anyone had an idea as to why this is happening. I thank you all for any help in advance.

Also on a side note I noticed that when you walk over the object the text disappears and wont come back till you end session and restart. I get no errors or warnings so i’m guessing its just how the UMG tutorial was done that produces this effect not sure why or how to fix it though

Figured it out I made a custom player controller and didn’t set it up so yea everything that mattered was broken :stuck_out_tongue: