Controlling player yaw/pitch with RightClickMouseButton

I created a custom BP_WalkthroughCam controller get my hands dirty.
I know default projects include default player controllers, but I wanted to get my hands dirty and learn from scratch.
Now I’m a little stuck…

How can I update my BP graph so the camera ONLY pans when the right mouse button is down? (see screenshot)

The answer will be helpful, but I am much more interested in the thought process that leads to the answer so I can
practise reusing it in other situations.

Zak Parrish does a fantastic job of explaining BPs in the tutorials. Unfortunately, the intuitive flow for
‘connecting the dots’ (or nodes in this case) for a random requirement hasn’t yet kicked in.

I don’t know if this is a good or bad way to solve the problem, but it worked.

For some reason, right-clicking in the graph and dragging in the RightMouseButton node didn’t give me the scalar value I needed (perhaps it needs to be converted?) so I created an RClickButton input in the project settings.

If there is a better way to achieve the same result then please let me know.