Scroll bar no longer draggable in VR

I found another question that has very similar symptoms.

Hey, thanks for the suggestion - I’ll give that a try to hold us over until 4.17.

Our VR project has a widget interaction component that acts as a pointer attached to one motion controller, and the trigger is used to press and/or release the pointer key on the widget interaction component. The other motion controller has a widget component that acts as a popup menu, and the menu contains a scrollable area using a scroll box.

As of 4.15.3, the scrollable area worked fine - the user could “grab” the scroll bar and move it up and down and the area would properly scroll, or the user could click in the above or below the scroll bar to make the scroll bar jump to that location, and the area would properly scroll.

In 4.16 and 4.16.1, the scroll bar is no longer draggable at all, and clicking above or below it to make it jump to that new location only works some of the time - typically if you try to drag it and then give up and click below it to make it jump, it doesn’t work, but if you click around to other UMG widgets for a bit and then come back to the scroll bar and click below it, then jumping works.

Even though the scroll bar isn’t draggable, it appears that some part of the interaction is working because it properly highlights and unhighlights as the pointer passes over and away from the scrollbar.

I’ve reproduced the problem in a simple (and clunky, sorry!) standalone project. If I open the attached project in 4.15.3, everything works as intended. If I open a copy in 4.16 or 4.16.1, the problem happens consistently.

Hello dbrueck,

I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-46447)

Make it a great day

I have been repeatedly reported an similar issue UE-39845 Reopen, UE-39845 and sscrollbar-is-not-interactable. The resolution is very simply, just need to add IsInteractable() function to the public section of Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Public\Widgets\Layout\SScrollBar.h

 virtual bool IsInteractable() const override
     return IsEnabled();

My suggestion overriding the IsInteractable function is originated from Cody Haskell’s commit (fc03448b67704d0bd76be9584aa1753988191479). There is an override IsInteractable function in SButton.cpp (

The explanation in UE-39845 Reopen why the bug UE-39845 couldn’t be fixed was really confusing:

because in UMG, an interactable Widget does not mean the Widget can be interacted with, but rather whether or not analog cursors should slow down when hovering over the widget.

I’m just interesting to see how long it will take such simple resolution to be processed and accepted.


I solved mine by making one more widget interaction component with sources from 4.15. I’m not sure, that it will help ya, but at least you can try. My bug was already fixed in master branch of engine, but looks like it’s targeted to 4.17.

It turned out to be a bit more complicated than that. it’s supposedly fixed in 4.17 though, I was able to just pull SScrollBar out of the 4.17 branch and stick it in my custom engine

4.18.3 here and my UI with the ScrollBox is working fine when added to the viewport as a user widget, but when spawned into the world as an actor, everything except the scrollbar is working. I’m suspicious that the bug is somehow back.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I have ConsumeMouseWheel set to Always and the mouse wheel is not working except when added to viewport as user widget. So it is not working as a WidgetComponent, regardless of whether I’m using my mouse and a monitor or in my headset with motion controllers.

My hope is there is some checkbox that I forget about and it’s hiding in some collapsible tree thing.


We’ve recently made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.


I am on UE 4.25.4 and the scroll bar in vr has clunky behavior. I have a widget attached as a component to my player. If I select the scroll bar by holding down the trigger, it works for about half a second and then stops (as though I let go of the trigger).

Same experience with my vr scroll bars.

i’v get this problem in 5.1, has anyone solve this?