Save file : Failed to find object 'Object None.None'

Hello guys,
Everytime i try to read my save data with this function :

UMy_SaveGame* SaveGameInstance = Cast<UMy_SaveGame>(UGameplayStatics::LoadGameFromSlot(SaveSlot, 0));
if (SaveGameInstance)
                   //Some codes to read and write/overwrite.

I’ve a Failed to find object 'Object None.None' warning but everything works and i can read or write data to my save file.

this code is in my game instance class.

Also I tried this method, but result is same :

	UMy_SaveGame* LoadGameInstance = Cast<UMy_SaveGame>(UGameplayStatics::CreateSaveGameObject(UMy_SaveGame::StaticClass()));

UMy_SaveGame* SaveGameInstance = Cast<UMy_SaveGame>(UGameplayStatics::LoadGameFromSlot(SaveSlot, 0));
if (SaveGameInstance)
                   //Some codes to read and write/overwrite.

Same issue here, on 4.18.3, just with Blueprints. As far as i can tell from other similar posts, this has something todo with some class variables or object variables that are not set. For me, i kinda need some of them to be empty or None, so setting them to some default wouldn’t really make sense. It would be nice if Epic would have a look at this, and sort it out, coz obviously it’s not optimal to get your log flooded with these, which i do, since i use savegames extensively through out my game.

I only see the warnings in Packaged game btw, not when PIE.