Matinee Actors Don't Collide with Pawns


The objects should collide with the player as long as the static mesh you are using in Matinee has collision. Have you checked to make sure that it does?

I’ve seen several questions asking pretty much exactly this and nothing’s been answered yet for some reason. So, it’s pretty simple, I need actors that are being moved around in Matinee to collide with the pawn. I don’t need realistic physics or anything, I just need it to push the player out of the way at minimum.

Yeah, everything’s got proper collision set up. In a separate situation I am actually able to stand on top of the matinee’d objects, which is really strange to me. I can stand on top of the same objects and be moved around, like i’d made a train or something. The problem comes in when I want that same object to smack into the player and move them out of the way. At that point, the object just moves through the player, and the camera zooms into the player’s body.

Much appreciated, sir!

Okay, I see what you mean. I was trying it on an elevator platform. When I just tried it with a box moving around the level I got the same results. I will look into this further and see if I can find a solution.


After looking into this further, this is a known issue with Matinee and Blueprint driven movement. It is being looked into by the developers and hopefully we will see a solution soon.

In the meantime my colleague Ben came up with a interesting solution that I believe could be applied to your setup if you use a Blueprint based object instead of a static mesh in Matinee.

I hope it helps, post back here with your results.

Thanks, TJ

Alrighty, well this seems like it will work out fine for now. My issue now is that the Matinee was pretty in depth in trying to get the rock’s movement organic and flowing (without much effort thanks to Matinee’s great flow!). Now I have to kinda sit here and struggle to math out the vector math to even get it to move in a straight line. :-/ But it does work!

I’m sorry you have to change everything, but I’m glad it’s working. Hopefully we will have a fix soon.

Just be aware that in a future update the successor to Matinee called Sequencer is coming out. I’m sure there will be a few issues moving Matinee assets to Sequencer, so the work you are doing now may save you the headache down the road.

Add blocking volume around your mesh which you want to be player pushed by. Attach this volume to mesh which you animate via matinee.
In character BP, in capsule component, set trace complex on move to true.
Then player will be moved by blocking volume.
I tested it on 4.6 and it works.