Is it possible to create a media source from blueprints?


I’m receiving a list of media URLs from a server and would like to compile these into a playlist dynamically. I can see that I can alter the the contents of a media playlist via blueprints, but I can’t see any way to dynamically create media source objects, particularly stream media source objects, via BP in order to populate the playlist.

Does anyone know of a way to do this? Alternatively, can this be done in C++ and could anyone point me in the right direction?

My alternative is to just have a list of re-useable, pre-created stream media source objects, but this hard-codes my maximum number of sources so I’d like to avoid that if possible.


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You could try creating the media source objects with the ConstructObjectFromClass node and then add them to the playlist. I think this will be the best way until 4.18.

For Media Framework 3.0, which is now scheduled for 4.18, I added two new Blueprint functions AddFile(FilePath) and AddUrl(UrlString) to UMediaPlaylist objects that will automatically do this work for you. Furthermore, all UMediaPlayer assets will always have a playlist internally (a transient playlist is created automatically if none, or if a single media source was opened by the user).

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Thanks @gmpreussner ! That was just what I was looking for. Is there anyway to have a look at what you have planned for the Media Framework 3.0 release?

Not right now - we don’t have the developer streams exposed on GitHub yet. All development is currently happening in Dev-Sequencer. I’m planning to do a Twitch stream on MF3.0 in the not too distant future (possibly end of next July).