Accessing events from Animation Blueprint in Character Blueprint

So I have an attack animation that has a start, loop and end and I want the actual attack blueprint to trigger at the right moment in the animation. So it doesn’t start in a way that is out of sync with the animation.

I placed an animation notify that is placed right at the end of the start animation in the attack montage. So I know when that part of the animation has played. It has an event that you can call to trigger script. Like this:

When you pass this point in time in the animation, it will print out the text “ready” through the event graph in the animation blueprint. However, I want this event to be used in the character BP to trigger other gameplay logic. But after casting to the animation blueprint and storing that in a variable so I can access the event. The event turns out like this instead.

The CAPB Main Var is just the var I used to store the casting which I do on Event Begin Play. So I don’t have to cast to the character animation blueprint every tick. Also upon reading it, I realized I screwed up the variable name, should be CABP, but that doesn’t matter right nowSo the event becomes seemingly useless since it can’t trigger like a normal event and instead needs to be plugged into something before it can fire. No point in doing that since then it is just a bridge between two operations and does nothing. The whole point is that it is supposed to trigger at the right time during the animation. Is there any other way to get my hands on that anim notify event from within the character blueprint?

And just in case you might be wondering how I cast to the anim bp, this is how I do it.

(The CAPB Main Var is just the var I used to store the casting which I do on Event Begin Play. So I don’t have to cast to the character animation blueprint every tick. Also upon reading it, I realized I screwed up the variable name, should be CABP, but that doesn’t matter right now)

I’m trying to follow where each part is placed, but to reiterate from the start I would do the following:

Character Blueprint
YourFunction - This function will be called from AnimBlueprint

AnimNotify → Get Parent Owner → Cast to Character Blueprint → Call YourFunction

Also, it may be worth using a Branch instead of Notify in the AnimMontage. It acts like a high resolution notify to get exact timing. You can access it in the same way in the blueprint.

I hope that helps.

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